meet laura
I am Laura Benzoni. I was born and lived in Italy for most of my life and moved to Australia in 2014. My passion for yoga started in my 20s and it was when I moved to Australia that I started my journey as a yoga teacher.
My specific areas of interest and specialisation are traditional hatha yoga and therapeutic yoga for trauma, anxiety and depression, chronic illness and pain management.
Alongside my yoga journey, I have worked in social services for about 20 years, particularly in programs aimed at supporting people in the context of immigration and forced migration, family and domestic violence and parenting and separation.
I firmly believe in the incredible potential for yoga to be part of the healing journey for trauma survivors and for supporting mental and physical health and transformation.
What I teach is what I have learnt through years of dedication in the study and practice of yoga and through the support and inspiration given by my yoga teachers and mentors.
I would like to express my deep gratitude particularly to the Fremantle Yoga Centre’s (founded by Kale Leaf) teachers, to Andrea Ushananda Morava, Emilia Pagani (Iyengar Yoga Ravenna) and Erika Benini (EFOA International).

& key training
Yoga for Chronic Illness and Yoga for Trauma – Wisdom Yoga Institute
Yoga for Trauma Mentoring Program – Jen Stuart
Trauma Therapy. A Somatic Approach – A. Wong
Trauma Recovery: Techniques and Perspectives from the Yoga Tradition L. Danylchuk
Freedom in the Storm. An Applied Yoga Stress Management Training Program – The School of Advaita Yoga
Yoga Teacher Training – Fremantle Yoga Centre
Yoga Teacher Training – Nicky Knoff
Yoga for Kids and Families Teacher Training – Rainbow Kids Yoga
Reiki Level I (Shoden) – Usui Reiki Italia Kenkyukai
Reiki Level II (Okuden) - Usui Reiki Italia Kenkyukai
Postgraduate Certificate Modern Slavery - Notre Dame University
Vocational Diploma in Family Dispute Resolution – Australian Institute of Social Relations
Masters in Humanitarian Interventions in Emergency Situations – University of Sacro Cuore
Bachelor Degree in Social and Political Science – University of Bologna

Accredited Yoga Australia Yoga Teacher
Public Practitioner Member of Reiki Association (WA) Inc.